150 Pods Caffè Covim Extra

150 Pods Caffè Covim Extra

PRICE 22.00€ 23.00€
150 Pods Covim Extra blend compatible ESE 44 MM

150 Pods Covim Extra blend compatible ESE 44 MM

Covim extra in pods, is a blend of coffee with a sweet and full-bodied taste, its strong roasting enhances the cream, greatly improving its yield in the cup.

Covim extra in Schoten ist eine Kaffeemischung mit einem süßen und vollmundigen Geschmack, seine starke Röstung verbessert die Sahne und verbessert die Ausbeute in der Tasse erheblich.

150 single-dose Pods stored in a controlled atmosphere, individually sealed to maintain the taste and freshness of each coffee, characteristics of the true espresso.

